Sri Lanka

Quit Your Job, Move Abroad, and Open a Hostel: The Hangtime Story

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It's crossed every traveler's mind. It's the classic "backpacker dream" to move to a faraway land, open up a hostel, and escape the "normal life" routine.  I've thought about it quite a lot myself, and I do think this is a business venture…

A Weekend in Habarana: Elephants, Temples, and Massive Rocks

When I first got selected to be a hosted blogger for TBC Asia, I knew I wanted to stay in Sri Lanka for at least a week or two after the conference ended. But I really had only one idea -- head straight to Arugam Bay.  During my first visit…

A Week Exploring Southern Sri Lanka: The Cinnamon Experience

Sometime towards the end of 2015, I saw an application to become a finalist for a Travel Blogging Conference in Southern Sri Lanka.  I quickly filled out the online form, entered in my blog & social-media details, and pressed submit. It…

The 5 Best Hotels & Places To Stay in Arugam Bay

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Arugam Bay is a must-visit for anyone planning a trip to Sri Lanka.  It's easily my favorite place in the entire country, and have spent around 3 weeks in total chilling, surfing, and partying in Arugam Bay.  If you're looking at going to…

The Best Year Of My Life: 2014 – A Year In Review

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Looking back on 2014 brings me nothing but amazing and life-changing memories.  I don’t even know how to express how much year this has influenced my life, but I will always look at 2014 as the year when I got it all “somewhat figured out”.…